Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why I'm Successful

Here's a list of reasons why I'm successful. As you'll see, it all depends upon how you define "success."

Why I'm Successful:

Simply put, I'm successful because I do what I'm called to do.

I'm successful because I'm not trying to be what I'm not. I'm simply being what I am.

I'm successful because I'm not trying to be or copy someone else. I'm being who I am.

I'm successful, not because I'm the best among those who do similar things to what I do, but because I am the one who does what I do. I am not trying to be the best among my peers, but among my peers I'm the best at being who I am.

I'm successful because I'm not trying to be "big." I'm not trying to be "larger than life." I'm simply being me.

I'm successful bcause I'm not trying to be part of a "movement." I'm just doing what I do.

I'm successful because I'm not trying to cater to anybody else. I'm not trying to please other people and I'm not trying to fulfill the expectations that others would have of me. I'm being who I am.

I'm successful because what I do benefits one person.

I'm successful because I don't care about what people think about what I'm doing, but rather I think that what I'm doing is worth caring about.

I'm successful because I don't hold myself responsible for how others respond to what I do, whether positively or negatively.

I'm successful because I listen to the counsel, criticisms and objections of others and then I go with what I believe in my heart is right. I weigh things out and I'm teachable, but I don't allow myself to be in bondage to the thoughts and opinions of others.

I'm successful because I'm neither jealous nor envious, nor haughty nor vain when other people have "bigger" audiences or "bigger" ministries, or "smaller" audiences or "smaller" ministries. "Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt. To compare my works, activities, fruit, knowledge, etc, with that of anyone else is to compare an eye to a nose. And so...

I'm successful because I'm not competeing with others, but rather I'm working alongside them. We're one body. It's a support system, not a competition. We support one another, not break each other down or compete to see who's the "biggest" or the "best."

I'm successful because I'm content doing what I do.

I'm successful not because I have a big vision, but because I have a big God.

I'm successful because God Himself is at work in me to will and to do according to His good pleasure.

I'm successful because I follow the wind of the Spirit, not the whispers of man.

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