Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Guest on 'The Good and Noble Heart' podcast

This afternoon Jim Robbins had me as a guest on his podcast, The Good and Noble Heart. We had a really great discussion, talking about several things including:

-The new Grace Roots community on ning.com
-People being alone in their grace walk
-The worldwide body of Christ being able to connect with and encourage one another in God's love and grace through the internet
-How community is not just about one person's agenda, but rather everyone has things to bring to the table
-What it looks like when people aren't walking according to God's grace and their new good heart
-Several other things revolving around being established in grace and growing in grace

Just as I had found in studying Jim's Recover Your Good Heart study guide with other people, Jim asked really great questions that provided for a really great discussion on this podcast. You can download the podcast and/or listen directly by clicking on the widget below.


  1. Poor Jim, must be really hurting for guest speakers...

    ps. good show, thanks for sharing.
    Best always.

  2. Leonard,

    I don't know if it was all the emails, text messages, IM's... or phone calls at 3AM begging him to let me be on his show that made him cave.

    ps. As always... thanks for your encouragement, support and friendship!

    See you soon!

  3. Great conversation, Joel! I enjoyed it... I want to be more active on ning.

  4. Thanks Bino. I'd like to be more active on ning too. So far I've been able to participate in a few conversations but haven't really been able to really dig in as much as I'd like yet. Still, I think it's been a great opportunity for others to connect, and I'm thankful for that.

  5. Really enjoyed this Joel. It just wasn't long enough.

  6. John,

    Yep it really was an enjoyable conversation. We had originally talked about going 10 to 15 minutes, which is probably a good amount of time in the podcast world, due to people's busy lifestyles and all, but in a sense it seemed like we were just getting started so it probably could've been an hour long conversation. :)

  7. Joel, great delivery.
    I thank you, for your insight in grace

  8. Homward... great to hear from you here! Thanks for your kind words.
