Sunday, October 19, 2008

Goldfish Bowl

I was getting caught up on email today (cleaning out my inbox and replying to a few people) and I was rereading an email from my cousin. I had previously read the body of the email but I hadn't read his sig. Anyway, with all the talk of growing, living in the wild, legalistic bondage and guilt, etc, that comes up on this blog, I thought I'd share my cousin's email sig. I think most of you 'get' how it relates to this blog, even if that wasn't the original intent of these words:

With all your health tips and your guilt trips
I can't even walk
you're watching me like a hawk
with all your guilt trips and your health tips
I can't eat at all
you're watching me like a hawk
you know this apartment is so small
oh, how can I expect a wild love to grow
oh, how can I expect a wild love to grow
it's like a fish in a goldfish bowl
it's like a fish in a goldfish bowl
it's like a fish in a goldfish bowl

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