Saturday, November 05, 2011

Be Strong in the Lord

Spiritual battles are not yours to fight.  The battle is the Lord's.  The weight is His.  You might feel it in your soul, but the battle itself is not yours to fight, and your soul does not always see or understand what the Lord is doing.  The battle is not against people.  The battle is not against people.  The battle is not against people.  The battle that the Lord is fighting is not a battle that he is fighting against people.  The battle He is fighting is against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  This might be manifested through people (including you and me at times), but the people are not the enemy.  The people are not the Lord's enemies.  He is not fighting against people.

The Lord has been strong and mighty in battle ever since the beginning.  People such as you and me - flesh and blood - are not good at fighting the Lord's battles.  We cannot win.  We cannot even fight.  We "put on" the armor but the battle is the Lord's.  Be encouraged.  Take the weight off of yourself and let the Lord do what He is very very capable of doing.  Boast in your weakness.  Trust in His sufficiency.  Don't fight people.  Don't live in fear.  Don't live in darkness.  Rather, let the Lord fight the powers of the invisible world, which again, He is so very capable of.  He is the light and you are in the light.  Live as the light of the world, not as a worried, fearful, bound up victim.  You are victorious because He is victorious, even when you can't see the battles that He is fighting and winning.  He will never lose.  He can't lose.  He has already won.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.


  1. When we worship spiritual warfare and fear or get angry that it is before us we inevitably are looking at ourselves not Grace....we are called to Gracefare not Warfare....Jesus gives us a clue when HE HAS COMPASSION ON THE DEMONS NOT SENDING THEM TO THE ABYSS BUT INTO THE PIGS....How humiliating is that for demons? Jesus was showing us the right attitude of God's rest and grace in I ns want us angry. Fearful. God wants us motivated by ultimate dominion of Victory over their ploy....johnpeter

  2. When we worship spiritual warfare and fear or get angry that it is before us we inevitably are looking at ourselves not Grace....we are called to Gracefare not Warfare....Jesus gives us a clue when HE HAS COMPASSION ON THE DEMONS NOT SENDING THEM TO THE ABYSS BUT INTO THE PIGS....How humiliating is that for demons? Jesus was showing us the right attitude of God's rest and grace in want us angry. Fearful. God wants us motivated by ultimate dominion of Victory over their ploy....johnpeter
