Sunday, April 05, 2009

A Lion Called Christian - on TV tonight

I just saw an ad for this on Animal Planet. You've probably seen one of the "Christian the Lion" viral videos that's gone around the internet. A one hour special, featuring the story of the two men and their pet lion that they released into the wild and then were reunited with a year later, will air tonight at 8pm Eastern, and then again at 11. Actually it looks like it will air several times this week. Check Animal Planet's TV schedule here.

This is for all those I love. I don't have to say it, because if I love you I've shown it to you, and if I haven't shown it to you then saying it won't make it so!


  1. Joel, I love this video!!! I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing it.

    It just proves that friendships that are of the heart are not lessened by time or distance. When we love from the heart, those friendships will last even when we're separated.

    Thanks for posting it and for the information about the Animal Planet broadcast.

  2. Aida,

    Yeah, I never tire of seeing this and the tears never fail either! Very true about time and distance not lessening friendships that are from the heart.
