Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jesus was made sin, we were made righteousness

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us , that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor 5:21)

I can barely comprehend this.

I can think it. I can say it. I can tell it to others. But does it sink in?

Jesus became sin for us.

Jesus knew no sin, yet...

Jesus became sin for us.

And not only that, but...

We became the righteousness of God in Him.


became the righteousness of God in Him.

(The word "might" in the phrase "might become" isn't the "maybe" type of "might." It literally means "to cause to be" or "come into being.")

God made Jesus sin and God caused us to be righteousness.

Jesus never sinned. And yet He was made sin.

We never did one righteous thing. And yet we were made to be righteousness.

Blows the mind...

But the spirit gets it. :)

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