Friday, February 19, 2010

Ralph Harris - Better Off Than You Think - Part 1

"Are you prepared to think better of yourself than you have been?"

In the relatively short time that I've known Ralph Harris (through his blog and Facebook, during the past year or so), I have immensely enjoyed both his shallow humor, that is similar to mine (hehehe) and his passionate and captivating way of sharing the good news that not only does God have a high opinion of you - but His opinion is right!

Ralph is with LifeCourse Ministries and has written a book called Better Off Than You Think - God's Astounding Opinion of You.  The book is an excellent and easy-to-read resource for learning and being encouraged in who God is and who you are, and what God really says about you and thinks of youl

You don't think God has too high of an opinion of you?  Has your behavior or other people's opinions of you (or any number of other things) quenched your view of God's astounding opinion of you? In our chat, Ralph says that people in general have an opinion of themselves that is not nearly equal to what God thinks.  That affects our daily approach to life and to God.  So, are you prepared to think better of yourself than you have been?  :)  Listen in, and I think your understanding of God's view of you will be refreshed and your countenance will be lifted up!  Let the truth of God's passion for you set you free!

Find out more about Ralph Harris and LifeCourse Ministries, as well as the book, at

Listen here:

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