Monday, January 28, 2008

Double talk

Bino posted what I think is an excellent list of "Double Talk" coming out of the mouths of Christians! Bino's purpose is not to bash other Christians, but just to point out amazement at the things that are taught to Christians that are so contradictory! I love lists like this that point out the big differences between the Old and New Covenants, and between what is taught in church and what the Bible really says.

Some examples from Bino's blog include:

-Isn’t it funny that we tell people that Gospel is all about Jesus, and explains them things to ‘do’ to be saved or stay saved?

-Isn’t it funny that we tell people that the church is the body of Christ (group of believers), and invite them to a building calling it ‘church’?

-Isn't it funny that we tell people that sinners are welcome to our 'church', and bash them with law?

The one that had me laughing out LOUD was this one:

-Isn’t it funny that we teach people to tithe, and then serve them pork for dinner? :) LOL (And while it's funny, there is a very valid point here!).

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