Friday, April 27, 2007

Movement of Grace New Covenant Web TV

I mentioned this briefly a few weeks ago, but Movement of Grace New Covenant Web TV is officially up and running. A few things have changed since the beginning. I think the idea at the start was for it to be mostly live and interactive, and there is still going to be a lot of that, but there are also prerecorded programs that you can watch. It will mostly be discussion about living by God's grace!

When a show is "live," you can simply sit back and watch or you can join in and take part of the discussion, either with your web cam and mic, or through text chat. And the prerecorded programs are available for viewing by clicking on "View Live" and then clicking the Menu button.

This is exciting for me in two ways. For one, I LOVE hearing about and being involved in discussions about God's grace, and how we live in it moment by moment, so I will be tuned in regularly to hear what everyone has to say. Secondly, I have my own program, "Grace Roots." I've already recorded 3 programs, and the first one is loaded onto the website for viewing. Don't laugh too hard... this is new territory for me! I do feel much more "confident" about this than when I began in radio 13 years ago (oh how I cringe when I hear my old on-air tapes!), but I do see myself learning and growing a lot as I continue to do this.

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